F025 How to raise money in the digital health space? (Jack van Lint, NLC Healthtech Ventures)

What mistakes are entrepreneurs making? Why does the US seem like a better starting point compared to Europe in the early stages? How to look for support in the most initial stages of a company? In this episode: digital health investments and opportunities for startups. The speaker in this episode Jack van Lint. He is the Corporate Finance Director at NLC The Healthtech Venture Builder – a healthcare accelerator and incubator from the Netherlands supporting early-stage startups.
Additional episodes on financing:
Ep. 18:What Forces Are Reshaping Early Stage Digital Health Funding?
Recap: http://bit.ly/2Lblw1S
iTunes: https://apple.co/2rHsumF
Podbean: http://bit.ly/2C9dqEf
Ep. 12: Rethinking the Patient as Customer, Payment Models & Funding OptionsRecap: http://bit.ly/2zYLOjD
Podbean: http://bit.ly/2QStm5O
iTunes: https://apple.co/2UF4YUk
Ep. 10 and 11: Tackling the German Healthcare System
Recap: http://bit.ly/2rx11E3
Ep. 10: https://apple.co/2Py87l7
Ep. 11: https://apple.co/2RTK6H7
Ep. 10: http://bit.ly/2C8maKU
Ep.11: http://bit.ly/2rwsaqB


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