F010 Can VR help treat addiction, PTSD, ADHD and other mental health issues? (Skip Rizzo, Institute for Creative Technologies at University of Southern California)

Virtual reality has a long history. Its applications precede pure fun, by today, many therapies for medical purposes have been designed.
Virtual reality has many medical applications, which you can learn about from two experts featured in Facs of digital health podcast. In episode 10 listen to dr. Albert “Skip” Rizzo, the Director of Medical Virtual Reality at the Institute for Creative Technologies at University of Southern California, and episode 12 features dr. Walter Greenleaf, the Medical Director for AppliedVR at Stanford University.
Topics: addressed:
How does VR differ from exposure therapy, is it more effective?
What are the dangers of VR use on perception?
How do you treat ADHD or PTSD with VR? 
Will FDA regulate VR treatments? What danger do consumers currently face? 


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