Episode 114: Lou Mendes Kramer – Forensic Pathology and the Pathologists’ Assistant

Today my guest is Pathologists’ Assistant Lou Mendes Kramer

What we discuss with Lou:

  • How she discovered the pathologists’ assistant field and forensic pathology
  • Her experience as a PA student
  • Working as a Medical Investigator
  • Her previous teaching experience and how that led to her teaching at Wayne State
  • How she became program director of the Wayne State PA program and some highlights so far
  • Teaching methods and how they were adapted during the pandemic
  • The AAPA Forensic Task Force and her role
  • Attending NAME and IACME meetings as part of the task force
  • The poster she presented at the 2021 NAME meeting and how it was received
  • Some thoughts on what needs to happen for PAs to be more utilized in forensic pathology

Links for this episode:

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 LabVine Learning

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American Association of Pathologists’ Assistants

Wayne State Pathologists’s Assistant Program

National Association of Medical Examiners

International Association of Coroners and Medical Examiners


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