Episode 12 – Being Your Authentic Self as a Female Physician – with Dr. Sasha Shillcutt, MD

When it comes to being a woman in medicine, it can be harder to be your authentic self due to the fear of being criticized or receiving backlash.

In this episode, Lauren Oschman and Jacque Denson sit down with Dr. Sasha Shillcutt, Anesthesiologist at University of Nebraska Medical Center and Founder & CEO of Brave Enough, as they discuss how women can be their authentic selves in the workplace. Sasha shares some of her personal experiences as a woman in medicine to help both women and men understand how to enhance the female voices in medicine, where leadership is predominantly male.

Sasha discusses:

  • The journey to creating Brave Enough and sharing advice with women
  • How you can amplify the voice of your inner fangirl to grow your confidence 
  • Tips for busy physicians to be able to put themselves first
  • Advice for male physicians on how to support their female colleagues
  • And more


Connect With Sasha Shillcutt:

Connect With Laruen Oschman & Jacque Denson:

About Our Guest:

Dr. Sasha Shillcutt is a physician, gender equity researcher, speaker, author, wife, mom of four and founder/CEO of Brave Enough. Sasha founded Brave Enough after a successful career climb as a clinical scientist and national expert. Despite her professional success, she found herself wanting more. So, she started a community of women. Throughout her book, talks and courses, Sasha inspired tens of thousands of women to believe in themselves and their innate value.



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