Episode 149: Dr Janamarie Truesdell – Critical Thinking In Death Scene Investigation And The Nutshell Studies Of Unexplained Death

Today my guest is Death Scene Investigator and Forensic Anthropologist Dr Janamarie Truesdell
What we discuss with Dr Truesdell:
- The Critical Thinking in Death Scene Investigation course at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside
- How she teaches a method for investigating a scene
- How she got into death investigation and forensic anthropology
- Utilizing the Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death in teaching
- How she developed a fascination for the Nutshells
- Her thoughts on the “CSI Effect.”
- The upcoming summer course at UW-Parkside
Links for this episode:
University of Wisconsin-Parkside Forensic Anthropology Workshop
Critical Thinking in Death Scene Investigation
The History of the Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death
18 Tiny Deaths by Bruce Goldfarb
People of Pathology Podcast: