Episode 172: Dr Jason Wasserman – Empowering Patients With MyPathologyReport

The MyPathologyReport website was created by Dr. Jason Wasserman, a pathologist, with the goal of providing patients with a better understanding of their pathology reports. Dr. Wasserman recognized the need for patients to have access to clear and concise information about their diagnosis.

Initially, the website started with a glossary of common pathology terms, such as atypia, dysplasia, and margins. It then expanded to include diagnostic articles that break down the different elements of a pathology report and provide more information about specific diagnoses. These articles were written with a focus on simplifying complex pathology terminology, making them accessible to patients.

The feedback from patients has been overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing gratitude for the website’s resources and assistance in understanding their reports. The website has also gained recognition from patient advocacy groups and medical organizations, who appreciate the effort to make pathology more accessible to patients.


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