Episode 31: Alyse Gray Returns! – Compendium Pandemica: A Guide to Horrible Infectious Diseases
My guest today is Pathologists Assistant Alyse Gray. Alyse is the author of Compendium Pandemica: A Guide to Horrible Infectious Diseases.
What we discuss with Alyse Gray:
- The status of Death, It’s a Living, her book in progress
- Why humor can be useful in education
- How studying the histories of diseases can inform our current state of the world
- How Syphilus was named from a poem, and the Tuskegee Study
- Vaccines and how they have improved our way of living
- The Horrible Infectious Diseases Survival Guide
Links for this episode:
- Order Compendium Pandemica here
- Alyse Gray:
People of Pathology Podcast: