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Surgical Mattress Pressure Management Considerations
Surgical Mattress Pressure Management Considerations
Pressure mapping for surgical mattresses should be performed in various states of temperature vs pressure gradients.
Here’s why:
Typical “memory”, or visco elastic foams used in surgical mattress cores all suffer from the “glass transition phase” when subjected to cooler temperatures. It makes them harder. They rely on the patient’s direct warmth to perform as intended. This a chemical & physical reaction from reduced viscosity within the foam at low temperatures. This is physics, not marketing.
Operating rooms are cooler and many layers of products are routinely placed between the patient and the mattress, further impeding offloading pressure management and support.
Memory foam also collapses in its entirety as it absorbs the physics of weight. They have very little rebound or ILD (Impression Load Deflection). This is where foam’s natural rebound and pressure support really lies, literally.
While there are supportive foam substrate layers within the core, their layers are limited by the 3-4 inches constraints typically used in all surgical mattresses. Their characteristics and performance are rarely optimized in their thickness.
There are ways to evolve these limitations. Temperature stable from 0-150°F , with no changes in viscosity, pressure, or ILD. The benefits of memory & rebound!
Evolve: infinitusmedical.com
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