The New Normal for OA Knee Treatment

You’re invited to watch a new short video created by Vinod Dasa, MD. He shares his thoughts on the new normal for knee OA treatment, and how and why hyaluronic acid (HA) fits into that algorithm. His video provides:

• An overview of the current surgical environment during the COVID-19 pandemic
• Observations and insights regarding patient concerns due to COVID-19
• The knee OA treatment algorithm
• Advantages of HA injection treatment in the current environment
• An overview of the recent publication: A comparison of 4-year total medical care costs, adverse outcomes, and opioid/prescription analgesic use for 3 knee osteoarthritis pain treatments: intra-articular hyaluronic acid, intra-articular corticosteroids, and knee arthroplasty


About Instructor

Vinod Dasa MD

Improving and optimizing the value and delivery of health care through research, innovation, and entrepreneurship to improve access and reduce disparities. Through his consulting form sarina designs, Dr Dasa provides in depth and targeted analyses for many of today's health care challenges.

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