Beyond Clean

Even though their tools and equipment touch nearly every surgical patient in the world, how much do you really know about the people, processes, and products used in the Sterile Processing industry? The Beyond Clean podcast offers a creative look into the inner workings of a healthcare industry surrounded by challenges, disrupted by change, and committed to getting it right — every instrument, every time. The team at Beyond Clean will bring on some of the biggest names in surgical instrument reprocessing and provide commentary on the biggest issues facing Sterile Processing professionals, facilities, administrators, manufacturers, and vendors. Join us every week as we explore the hidden world of one of the most important aspect of safe surgical care.


Locker Room Talk: Caring for Your Sterile Processing Teams Before, During, and After Work

On this CE-approved Beyond Clean Articles On-The-Go episode, Hank Balch explains how the quality and management of department locker rooms can significantly impact the culture and morale of the technicians who work there — “The first place a Sterile Processing professional steps foot in to start their day is the department locker room. In fact, it’s also the last place they leave before heading home. What do they find there? Does the space send signals they are valued, respected, and supported? Or is this space saying…”

To read this article, take the CE quiz & download your certificate, click here.

Stay tuned for new CE-approved Articles On-the-Go releasing each week! Bookmark our new AOTG CE page here:

#FightingDirty #HankBalch #BeyondClean #WeFightDirty

Click To Subscribe on YouTubeiTunesStitcherGoogle Play or Spotify or Visit Our Website!

Confident Certification™ Ep. 30 Conquering Exam Day Part 1: Your Ultimate Guide to Certification Victory

The big day has finally arrived—the one you’ve been preparing for, dreaming of, and possibly even losing a little sleep over. That’s right, it’s exam day! But fear not, future certified rockstar, because this week on Confident Certification™, host Sarah B. Cruz is sharing all her insider secrets to help you conquer your exam like a pro. From what to wear, what to bring (and what to leave at home!), and how to stay laser-focused during the exam, Sarah’s got you covered. So take a deep breath, grab your ID, and tune in—because with these expert tips, you’re about to walk into that testing room and absolutely crush your certification exam!

Over the next 52 weeks, Sarah and special guests from around the industry will provide tangible tools to build your test prep confidence, understand the challenges that technicians encounter as they study, and equip every member of the Sterile Processing team to be the best advocates they can be for professional development. New episodes of Confident Certification™ will release each Tuesday on Beyond Clean channels. For the best listening experience, download the Beyond Clean mobile app on Apple ( and Android ( devices. This series is an innovative educational experience created to help you, your students, and your coworkers ace your Sterile Processing certification with confidence! Special thanks to our Year 1 sponsor Aesculap (US) for making this series possible! If you have thoughts or feedback on this new show, please email us at

Sterile In, Sterile Out | Expert Series On-The-Go

On this week’s edition of the Beyond Clean Expert Series On-The-Go, tune in for the conversation entitled, “Sterile In, Sterile Out” with our Healthcare Storage Expert™, Dustin Patterson.

To hear more from this expert, follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn, or subscribe to the Beyond Clean mailing list by visiting:

Do you know a #SterileProcessing expert who you’d love to hear from on our series? Or do you have a question for one of our current experts? Contact us at any time via email at:

Until next time, keep fighting dirty!

#BeyondClean #ExpertSeries #Podcast

Leaving a Legacy Behind You: Dealing with Loss, Grief, and Value in Sterile Processing

In this CE-approved Beyond Clean Articles On-The-Go episode, Hank Balch shares steps for grieving the loss of a co-worker and the importance of leaving behind a positive legacy through kindness, dedication to patient care, and recognizing the value of each team member – “Ultimately, this grieving process is a sign of how impactful that life actually was. It shouldn’t be easy to forget or move on from someone who made coming to work a joy. It shouldn’t be a quick process to get over losing a fellow warrior in the fight against microbial agents seeking to do our patients harm. You do not have to, nor should you, forget…”

To read this article, take the CE quiz & download your certificate, click here.

Stay tuned for new CE-approved Articles On-the-Go releasing each week! Bookmark our new AOTG CE page here:

#FightingDirty #HankBalch #BeyondClean #WeFightDirty

Click To Subscribe on YouTubeiTunesStitcherGoogle Play or Spotify or Visit Our Website!

Confident Certification™ Ep. 29 The Cram Session Curse: How to Break Free and Ace Your Exam

This week on Confident Certification™, host Sarah B. Cruz is here to save you from the cram session chaos! She is breaking down the differences between cramming and intense review sessions, and why one might be sabotaging your success. Tune in as Sarah shares her top tips for creating a study plan that works for you, avoiding the dreaded all-nighter, and walking into your exam with an extra swagger. Discover how you can ditch the cram sessions for good and become a Sterile Processing study superhero on your path to certification success. Tune in today!

Over the next 52 weeks, Sarah and special guests from around the industry will provide tangible tools to build your test prep confidence, understand the challenges that technicians encounter as they study, and equip every member of the Sterile Processing team to be the best advocates they can be for professional development. New episodes of Confident Certification™ will release each Tuesday on Beyond Clean channels. For the best listening experience, download the Beyond Clean mobile app on Apple ( and Android ( devices. This series is an innovative educational experience created to help you, your students, and your coworkers ace your Sterile Processing certification with confidence! Special thanks to our Year 1 sponsor Aesculap (US) for making this series possible! If you have thoughts or feedback on this new show, please email us at

What is Multi-Tray Sterilization? | Expert Series On-The-Go

On this week’s edition of the Beyond Clean Expert Series On-The-Go, tune in for the conversation entitled, “What is Multi-Tray Sterilization?” with our Multi-Tray Sterilization Expert™, Kelly Truppo.

To hear more from this expert, follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn, or subscribe to the Beyond Clean mailing list by visiting:

Do you know a #SterileProcessing expert who you’d love to hear from on our series? Or do you have a question for one of our current experts? Contact us at any time via email at:

Until next time, keep fighting dirty!

#SterileProcessing #BeyondClean #ExpertSeries #Podcast

About Instructor

Hank Balch

Weapon of Mass Microbial Destruction

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