Power Supply
Passing the Sniff Test: How to Validate Supply Costs
Episodes NOW CEC APPROVED for AHRMM members! // What if 60-80 percent of items on your surgical preference cards were not actually needed? How much time does staff waste pulling supplies for cases that aren’t used, let alone the time it takes to return all these items back to the shelf? Can preference card optimization help reduce costs, increase efficiency, and improve revenue capture – and if so what are the steps to begin this process? By reviewing and updating preference cards, healthcare organizations can ensure that they are using the most cost-effective supplies, while still meeting the needs of the surgical team and the patient. On this week’s episode join Hays, Garry, and Justin as they meet with Drew Preslar, Assistant VP of insight Advisory Solutions at HealthTrust Performance Group, to discuss how optimizing surgical preference cards can help healthcare organizations identify and reduce supply costs associated with surgical procedures. With the challenges faced in staffing, supply shortages and decreasing revenues it is increasingly important to ensure that supply chain partners with clinical teams to identify and reduce costs in surgical procedures. Preference card optimization can help decrease these costs while also improving overall efficiency and patient outcomes. Reach out to your clinical colleagues and tune in together, you don’t want to miss this episode!
Once you complete the interview, jump on over to the link below to take a short quiz and download your CEC certificate for .5 CECs! https://www.flexiquiz.com/SC/N/ps6-6
#PowerSupply #Podcast #Education #SupplyChain #Healthcare #Purchasing #Contracting
Adopting New Technology: The Healing Powers of Supply Chain
Episodes NOW CEC APPROVED for AHRMM members! // How many emails do you get daily? How many meetings do you attend on a weekly basis? With all this “noise”, how can healthcare organizations and vendors work to collectively partner to be more effective in discussing, trialing, and implementing new technologies? With shortages of existing supplies and the introduction of new technologies, healthcare supply chain management has become more complex and challenging in today’s quickly evolving environment. Join the conversation today as Jim McManus, Principal at JPM3 Financial and Advisory Services, joins Hays, Garry and Justin to discuss how evaluating new technologies can offer opportunities to improve supply chain efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance patient outcomes. By empowering supply chain professionals, healthcare organizations can create a more agile and responsive supply chain, which is critical for meeting the evolving needs of patients and healthcare providers. So, whether you are a valued vendor partner with some exciting new technology or a healthcare supply chain professional working to increase value, don’t miss out on this exciting episode!
Once you complete the interview, jump on over to the link below to take a short quiz and download your CEC certificate for .5 CECs! https://www.flexiquiz.com/SC/N/ps6-5
#PowerSupply #Podcast #Education #SupplyChain #Healthcare #Purchasing #Contracting #Technology
The Psychology of Sales: How Sellers Sell and Why Buyers Buy
Episodes NOW CEC APPROVED for AHRMM members! // How do successful sellers sell, and why do buyers buy? What is the psychology behind the selling and buying process? Is healthcare different from other industries when it comes to purchasing? Every hospital thinks that they are unique, but is the buying process the same from facility to facility and organization to organization? Tune in today as Justin and Hays meet with Martyn Lewis, Founder & CEO at Market Partners as he explains the buying and selling process of how sellers sell and why buyers buy. Martyn is the author of the book, How Customers Buy…& Why They Don’t and in this episode he shares his experience, research and insight into the sales and buying process with over 40 years of experience in sales in marketing. So, whether you’re trying to close that next sale, or work through that next big purchase – don’t miss out on this excellent episode and listen today!
Once you complete the interview, jump on over to the link below to take a short quiz and download your CEC certificate for .5 CECs! https://www.flexiquiz.com/SC/N/ps6-4
#PowerSupply #Podcast #Education #SupplyChain #Healthcare #Purchasing #Contracting
Health Equity Gaps & Solutions: A Supply Chain Opportunity
Episodes NOW CEC APPROVED for AHRMM members! // Why do certain populations experience more health disparities compared to others? What are the factors that contribute to these disparities, and what can be done to address them? What role can supply chain play to help create a healthier population? There are many inequities in health outcomes including access to healthcare that exist today. These disparities can be seen in higher rates of chronic diseases, lower life expectancy, and greater mortality rates among certain populations, such as people of color, those living in poverty, and other marginalized communities. Tune in as Hays, Garry and Justin meet with Karen Conway Vice President of Healthcare Value at GHX as she highlights both the current needs and ways to help tackle these challenging issues. By working together on health equity, we can create a society where everyone can achieve optimal health and well-being, regardless of their background or circumstances, which not only benefits individuals but also contributes to a healthier society overall. Don’t miss out on this episode and tune in today!
Once you complete the interview, jump on over to the link below to take a short quiz and download your CEC certificate for .5 CECs! https://www.flexiquiz.com/SC/N/ps6-3
#PowerSupply #Podcast #Education #SupplyChain #Healthcare #HealthEquity #Contracting #Sustainability #ResponsibleSourcing #HealthyFood
Hospital at Home: IoT Enabled Healthcare
Episodes NOW CEC APPROVED for AHRMM members! // What if there was an option to care for your loved one at home, rather than in a hospital? What if Iot (Internet of Things) could connect various smart devices and enable them to work harmoniously to provide a safe and secure network to monitor a patient from the comfort of their own home? What if this technology could provide a more transparent healthcare ecosystem and help drive down the cost of care? Join the conversation today with Garry and Justin as they talk with Kristen Miles, VP of Healthcare Product Strategy at Oracle about this new and innovative approach that is being developed to provide a “hospital at home”. With the advancement of technology and telemedicine, healthcare providers are working on ways to offer a wide range of medical services from the comfort of your own home allowing patients to save money on transportation costs and reduce the risk of exposure to illnesses in crowded waiting rooms. You don’t want to miss out on this episode of the future of healthcare – listen today!
Once you complete the interview, jump on over to the link below to take a short quiz and download your CEC certificate for .5 CECs! https://www.flexiquiz.com/SC/N/ps6-2
#PowerSupply #Podcast #Education #SupplyChain #Healthcare #Purchasing #Contracting #IoT #HospitalatHome #Innovation #SmartTechnology
Bourbon and Buildings: Value Based Purchasing in Facilities/Construction – A GPO Perspective
What role does a Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) play in facilities and construction projects? Do GPOs have the ability to help leverage data, contracts and use specialized tools to help reduce costs and mitigate risks for healthcare organizations? What role does supply chain have to help manage these expensive yet impactful projects? Join the conversation today as Justin, Hayes and Garry speak with Jeff Little, VP Strategic Supplier Engagement at Premier, to learn about the unique opportunities GPOs bring to these large and complex projects. As hospitals look to reduce costs and consolidate spend, GPOs are positioned to help drive further value to their members through their facilities/construction services. Whether you are planning a new surgical services building, or are just a bourbon fan – grab your facilities colleagues and tune in to this episode today!
#PowerSupply #Podcast #Education #SupplyChain #Healthcare #Purchasing #Contracting #Facilities #Constuction #GPO #GroupPurchasingOrganization