Fixing Healthcare…From The Trenches E20

Welcome to episode 20 of “Fixing Healthcare from the Trenches”! Our next guest, Dr. Redler, is not your typical orthopedic surgeon. He’s a game-changer in healthcare, based at Connecticut Orthopaedics. Dr. Redler is on a mission to revolutionize healthcare. He’s all about reducing the reliance on opioids in postoperative care, an urgent issue in our society. He believes in the power of medical mission work, spreading compassion and healthcare access globally. But that’s not where his passion stops. Dr. Redler is determined to challenge the conventional norms of healthcare insurance. He’s an advocate for making state-of-the-art ambulatory surgical center treatments and cutting-edge technologies accessible to everyone, irrespective of insurance limitations. In this episode, Dr. Redler & Dr. Badia will share practical insights and innovative ideas for a healthier and more equitable healthcare system. Please help us grow the podcast by sharing it!



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