Fixing Healthcare…From The Trenches E19
This week we invited Carl the Founder and Managing Principal of Mitigate Partners, a Risk Management, Cost Containment and Employee Benefits Consulting firm. With more than 30 years of experience in benefits consulting and financial services, Carl pioneered the fiduciary approach to benefits advisory services. His interest in treating the employer’s money like his own, led Carl through years of research culminating in the development of his proprietary FairCo$t Health Plan, an innovative plan design seamlessly integrated with a HighPerformance Healthcare Solutions platform that provides best-in-class benefits at substantially lower costs while improving clinical and financial outcomes for health plans and their members. A founding Health Rosetta Charter Certified Advisor, Carl is a highly accomplished speaker and author who is engaged in the pursuit of EMPLOYER-Built Healthcare to replace the archaic Insurer-Built Healthcare system that has ceased to meet the needs of employers and their employees.