E27 Robert Aprill on ” Fixing Healthcare…From The Trenches” with Dr. Badia
As a Managing Director at Physician Growth Partners, Robert works with founder and provider owned businesses in the healthcare services industry as they prepare for and ultimately pursue a private equity partnership. Robert led a recent transaction with Washington Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine, in their partnership with OrthoBethesda, a portfolio company of Atlantic Street Capital. He specializes in helping independent practice owners first understand the private equity landscape and then provide transaction advisory services when a partnership makes sense to help usher in the next phase of growth. Robert’s work focuses on understanding the goals of a practice and its owners and managing a customized, client-focused process that delivers an exceptional result. So, if you’re curious about the dynamics of healthcare transactions and the future of independent physician practices, you’re in for a treat. Join me in welcoming Robert April to “Fixing Healthcare from the Trenches.”