Hosted by Dr. Scott Sigman – “Flying Solo “

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Back to sunny Southern California to Manhattan Beach with Dr. Ronna Parsa. She is a fellow-trained orthopaedic surgeon who specializes in sports medicine at her surgical practice, Parsa Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine Institute, inManhattan Beach, California. Dr. Parsa, a Southern California native, received her fellowship training under Dr. James Andrews, a world-renowned surgeon for sports injuries. She has been a lifelong athlete and bases her treatment philosophy on her many personal experiences around the world, as both an athlete and a community service volunteer.

Topics include:

-Her time and fellowship with Dr. James Andrews in Florida. She gained a lot of experience with game coverage with the Washington Redskins, Tampa Bay Rays spring training and college football with Alabama and Auburn.

-She carved out her niche and set up her solo practice in the middle of the orthopedic mecca of LA, surrounded by major players like KJOC, Santa Monica Orthopedic Group and Kaiser Permanente. Dr. Parsa is starting her own surgical center shortly, the Manhattan Beach Surgical Institute.

-She’s part of the New Breed with regenerative medicine. She retrieves stem cells from the patient’s pelvis and freezes them for later use for when they need it. Dr. Parsa was a Molecular Biology major and spurned her interest after involvement with a phase III trial while at The Andrews Institute on the regeneration of cartilage through autologous stem cells. She now has a relationship with the NFL Trust, which was organized to help take care of medical costs for players after they retire. She’s been working with them to harvest and freeze bone marrow for players for eventual use to regenerate cartilage and potentially help prevent or decrease concussion protocols or longer term with CTE.

-She provides suggestions to listeners as they are trying to develop their personal and professional brand in orthopedics. She took Dr. Andrews advice that you need to crawl before you walk before you run. It takes baby steps and time to get where you want to be. Also, it takes years to build a reputation and 15 minutes to destroy it. Her advice incudes being cognizant of how you portray yourself.

-Her passion for volunteer work. She has worked with the Silver Service Children’s Foundation with surgical interventions for child deformities, such as club foot, and had a traveling fellowship with Health Volunteers, with a placement in Nicaragua, to teach residents there.

Find out more about Dr. Ronna Parsa here.



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