Episode 10 – The Reopening, Covid-19 and what it means for Medical Devices

Time for another cold shower?  Don’t worry, I will hand you a warm towel at the end.  This episode is about what the “Reopening” of the economy means to the Medical Device Industry. After a quick review of some important data points that will affect how you will be selling in the future, we shift gears to what customers think of vendors and what you need to do to stand out.

Now Go Win Your Week!

Ted Newill LinkedIn profile link

Medical Devices Success website link

Link to Episode 7 – Video “Imbedded” Emails for Sales and Marketing in a Covid-19 World

Link to Episode 5 – Make Your Virtual PowerPoint Presentation Powerful in this Covid-19 World

Link to Episode 6 – Selling in a Covid-19 World – New Sales Practices



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