Ep# 124 – Clean Slate (How to Create Freedom)

Shame, guilt, and anger. . .to name a few. . .are all part of the “normal” human experience.  And it weighs us down tremendously.  

Today’s podcast episode is all about creating a clean slate.  Simply described, it’s putting down the frustrations, tender points, and unresolved issues, so that we can be open to life and present in the moment.  This is what invites calm and peace into your day.  This is what creates clarity & focus.

Creating a clean slate – and keeping it clean – is your ticket to freedom.  I’ll walk you through how to create one, and all the benefits you’ll receive from using it.

The Authenticity, Courage & Empowerment Conference is where Women Physicians will learn this and so much more.  Join us in San Antonio for a unique experience that will renew your life & career.  AuthenticPhysicians.com – learn more & register.



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