“I” Can See Clearly Now: Going Beyond UDI & Medical Device Recall Headlines

Many of us have heard of Unique Device Identification (#UDI), but what the heck does it have to do with our day-to-day in surgical services? How confident do you feel about your hospital’s #DeviceRecall process? Are those just something manufacturers have to worry about? During this exclusive Expert Series™ Conference release, we sat down with Ashlea Souffrou, Power Supply UDI Implementation Expert™ and Guillermo Ramas, Power Supply Medical Device Recall Expert™, to lay out everything you need to know (and use!) when it comes to managing UDI & device recalls in healthcare. This is a massive topic, but we keep the discussion focused and actionable so that you will walk away with a clearer picture of where all of this fits into your role as a frontline clinician and provider.

This would be a great episode to invite any contacts you have in your purchasing, quality, and compliance departments. We hope to see you there!

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