90 Days of Sterile Processing Glory: Taking Dominion of CS/SPD Onboarding

On this CE-approved release of Articles On-The-Go, listen as Hank equips fearless leaders with the “weapons” of on-boarding to make successful and fierce technicians: “Few things are more important to the life and strength of your CS department than getting onboarding/training right. If poor training practices become your Achilles’ heel, your team and surgical quality could suffer for generations, with the same bad habits, bad culture, and bad information being passed on from one technician to another. Our mission of safe patient care is too important to compromise with just having a “warm body” to fill a staffing need, or settling for a technician who is “good enough” to get by. We need to be producing cultural CS-warriors and warrior-learners who know every square inch of our departments and are willing to stand their ground against the massive microbial army constantly seeking to do our patients harm.” 

To read this article, take the CE quiz & download your certificate, click here.

Stay tuned for new CE approved Articles On-the-Go releasing each week! Bookmark our new AOTG CE page here: https://www.beyondclean.net/articles-on-the-go

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