016 – How to Change Your Microbiome, Intermittent Fasting & More.
The benefits of grounding and microbiome seeding.
Can grounding help with heart rhythm regulation? What does the research say?
How grounding can lead to helping your microbiome flourish what is the mechanism that this happens through.
How to test your microbiome and what methods you should use. Dr. Shah’s recommendation @ https://www.viome.com/ga2?gclid=Cj0KCQjw3ebdBRC1ARIsAD8U0V7jGeDq9jaPvkgTB1XANeYxTXREe9ZuWTQM0NBFxTptQ_kSi4n5usgaAqcaEALw_wcB
How microbiome testing and artificial intelligence are being combined to revolutionize diagnostic testing.
How long does it take to change your gut micro-bacteria.
Intermittent Fasting and its benefits.