3 Ways to Avoid Playing “Small Ball” With Your Hospital’s Supply Chain Expenses

On this week’s episode of Power Supply Articles On-the-Go, Bob Yokl makes the case for looking at the big picture and big wins available to your hospital Supply Chain team: “Don’t get bogged down researching special requests, or as I like to call it “trivia”, when there are dozens of high value savings targets that you should be working on. Running down these oddities might be fun to do, but it will limit the time available to you for more important work.
It’s easy for us to get trapped in the “small ball” game, or things that we feel comfortable with, bring us gratification, and show some results. We must avoid this temptation at all costs if we are to play in the supply chain big leagues where no one wins the World Series by playing “small ball”. We must always have our eye on the big picture!…” Loving the #PowerSupply conversations? You can now download our free mobile app: Apple: https://zcu.io/sx2h Android: https://zcu.io/xJSJ And listen at: iTunes -> https://zcu.io/3Zef Spotify -> https://zcu.io/eBXx Stitcher -> https://zcu.io/2gMi Amazon Podcasts -> https://zcu.io/Xo2S Google Podcasts -> https://zcu.io/O8SY #PowerSupply #Podcast #Education #SupplyChain #Healthcare #Purchasing #Contracting #ValueAnalysis