A Remedy for Hoarders? Centers of Consolidated Excellence

How has the pandemic and frequent backorders impacted your ability to provide necessary supplies to the clinicians on the front lines? How much time and effort was required of your health system to find available items already in stock so that they could be redistributed to other areas in need? How flexible and sophisticated are your sourcing options when PPE is hard to find and in high demand? On this week’s episode of the Power Supply podcast we talk to Cory Turner from Tecsys on the topic of consolidated services centers and effective strategies for addressing the potential impact of CSCs from an operational, financial and strategic viewpoint. Post your favorite hoarding stories and comments below, visit powersupplymedia.net or email your most interesting stories to powersupplymedia@gmail.com to join the conversation! Loving the #PowerSupply conversations? You can now download our free mobile app: Apple: https://zcu.io/sx2h Android: https://zcu.io/xJSJ And listen at: iTunes -> https://zcu.io/3Zef Spotify -> https://zcu.io/eBXx Stitcher -> https://zcu.io/2gMi Amazon Podcasts -> https://zcu.io/Xo2S Google Podcasts -> https://zcu.io/O8SY
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