Adam Okada: Sterile Education App & Sterile Processing Training

Sterile Processing, yeah, there’s an App for that. On this Top 10 re-release episode from Season 1 of the Beyond Clean podcast, we talked to Adam Okada about the impact of mobile application technology on the Sterile Processing industry, education, and the future of professional networking. How can you leverage industry expertise right from your smart phone? Is there such a thing as an educator in your pocket? We discuss these topics and more in a unique conversation with one of a growing number of disruptors in our industry. Tune in, grab your smart phone, and listen up for some inspiration on how technology could change the way we think about Sterile Processing in the 21st century. Now with new CE approval, it’s a great opportunity to learn, get credit, and walk away with your own ideas for potential innovation in this space.
CE Credit ->
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#WeFightDirty #BeyondClean #MobileApplications #SterileProcessing #Education #Technology #Disruption #Online #Podcast #AdamOkada #CECredit #Sponsor #SargentHealthcareStrategies