AHRMM SME Podcast with SkillBridge

This is the AHRMM Subject Matter Expert Podcast hosted by Justin Poulin. Tune in every month as we speak with Industry Experts to highlight success stories and solutions from the field that advance the health care supply chain. And now, Justin Poulin with this month’s Expert… Mr. Harper is the current Chief of Logistics at Fort Gregg-Adams and was the former Chief of Logistics at the National Institute of Health (NIH) and Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC), and Lt Col Matthew Gross, USAF, MSC, Chief, Medical Operations & Plans. This episode will focus on: – What is the DoD Skillbridge Program? – Key Considerations for DoD Skillbridge Industry Partners: * Skillbridge is a Training Program * Service member remains on Active Duty (status, pay and entitlements) * How to Become a DoD Skillbridge Industry Partner: https://skillbridge.osd.mil/industry-employers.htm To learn more about the Skillbridge Program, join the DoD on Tuesday, August 8, at the AHRMM23 Conference for session 4.1 Leveraging the DoD SkillBridge Program to Build Human Resource Gateways and to Maximize Industry, from 8:00 AM-9:00 AM.