Articles On-The-Go: One Book to Rule Them All – 5 Creative Ways to Read the AAMI Standards & Not Get Bored

On this episode of Articles On-The-Go, tune in for creative encouragement to read your copy of AAMI ST79: “You’ve heard it said that it takes a village to raise a child. I would argue that it takes a village to read the standards. Not only was ST79 crafted by a diverse group of Sterile Processing and healthcare leaders across the country, but that’s also the best way to read it! Why not get your local or regional Sterile Processing organization to do a monthly conference call where you all get on the phone and talk through one chapter per month of ST79 — inviting feedback and comments on each recommendation. Approaching the standards in this way would allow for the kind of community interpretation that they were meant to have, and it will give outlet to the stories, tips, and testimonials that we all bring to the table through our individual years of Sterile Processing experience…”

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