Articles On-The-Go: You’re Gonna Miss Me When I’m Gone – How Incomplete Surgical Trays Kill Your Culture

On this episode of Articles On-The-Go, tune in for tips on tackling your missing instrument challenges: “Few things are more frustrating for front line techs than to be processing along at full speed, noticing an instrument is missing, and then knowing it will take them forever to find the proper replacement. Whether you utilize a drawer system, peg board, or bin storage for your backup instrumentation — the key to success here is organization. Personally, I’m a fan of bin storage because it allows you to see the instruments (unlike the drawer system) and removing an instrument is not as difficult as with a crowded peg board (plus you can really make a bin system look sharp if you want to). The cultural impact of an organized backup inventory can mean the difference between a tech who happily spends 20 seconds finding the exact needleholder they need and a tech who begrudgingly leaves their table for a 10 minute excursion to the graveyard of productivity, a.k.a. the rat’s nest of a backup wall you have. Don’t make your techs choose between a productive night and completed surgical trays. They should want and be able to do both…”

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