Episode 109: Jim Perkins – Medical Illustration

Today my guest is Medical Illustrator Jim Perkins
What we discuss with Jim:
- His education in biology and geology, and his interest in paleontology
- How he discovered the medical illustrator field
- His early work as a medical illustrator, including medicolegal illustration
- How he got into teaching medical illustration, and some stories of students he has influenced
- His 27 year association with the Robbins textbooks, and how that began
- The process of creating illustrations, and how that has evolved
- Some of the other illustration he has done, including continuing the work of Dr Frank Netter
- His thoughts on the future of the field
Links for this episode:
Rochester Institute of Technology Medical Illustration Program
Association of Medical Illustrators
Pathology For The Health Professions
Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology
Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease
Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations
People of Pathology Podcast: