Episode 24 – Sales Super Stars – What Defines Them and Where Did They Come From?

Kelly Clark and Relentless Recruiting conducted a survey with 60 life science executives and sales executives to better understand if there is an overall recruiting and hiring issue in obtaining Super Star Sales Reps. 

How valuable are super stars reps to sales leaders? Where do these stars came from?How do their initial skill levels compare with other candidates?And what is the cost of making a bad hire.

In this video cast, Kelly Clark and Barry Rogers share the results of the survey and we discuss the implications of these findings for MedTech leaders and sales executives.  What you will learn could have major implications on how you go about your recruiting process.  If you are a candidate for a job, it will make you rethink how you present yourself.

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Now Go Win Your Week!

Kelly Clark’s LinkedIn Profile Link

Relentless Recruiting website Link

Ted Newill’s LinkedIn Profile link

Medical Device Success website link

Link to Ted’s contact page  



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