Health Equity Gaps & Solutions: A Supply Chain Opportunity

Episodes NOW CEC APPROVED for AHRMM members! // Why do certain populations experience more health disparities compared to others? What are the factors that contribute to these disparities, and what can be done to address them? What role can supply chain play to help create a healthier population? There are many inequities in health outcomes including access to healthcare that exist today. These disparities can be seen in higher rates of chronic diseases, lower life expectancy, and greater mortality rates among certain populations, such as people of color, those living in poverty, and other marginalized communities. Tune in as Hays, Garry and Justin meet with Karen Conway Vice President of Healthcare Value at GHX as she highlights both the current needs and ways to help tackle these challenging issues. By working together on health equity, we can create a society where everyone can achieve optimal health and well-being, regardless of their background or circumstances, which not only benefits individuals but also contributes to a healthier society overall. Don’t miss out on this episode and tune in today!
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