Hospital Hacked?: Emerging Threats In Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity has become one of the top concerns of healthcare organizations and the general public in recent years. What should you and your organization be considering as we consistently strive to keep up with the pace of change within information services? Tahjar Roamartinez is an “ethical hacker” with a broad experience in Cybersecurity and having chaired multiple boards and bringing deep governance, risk, and compliance perspective to companies in highly regulated industries. On this week’s episode of Power Supply, she joins Hays Waldrop, Garry Skinner and Justin Poulin as the first of two consecutive episodes on the topic. Tune in this week as we discuss what you can do to prevent cyberattacks, as well as what you can do to mitigate the impact once you or your organization has been targeted successfully. Grab your favorite IT guru and enjoy!
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