Hosted by Dr. Scott Sigman – “Brasília, Brazil”

We continue to bring you the best of the best in orthopedics, not just in the U.S., but also in the World. This week is no exception with Dr. Julian Machado, orthopedic surgeon specializing in knee surgery, from Brasília, Brazil. It’s amazing to continue to hear stories about the orthopedic surgeon circle globally and exchanging ideas across the world to learn from the best. We hear about how Dr. Sigman and Dr. Machado’s friendship has grown with fond memories of their times together while training. Other topics include:
-All Things Brazil: Brasília is the federal capital ofBrazil with 10 million people in the health system. We hear about their private and public healthcare and how strict their health authorities are in Brazil. We also hear about the 15 lbs. of meat Dr. Sigman ate at a Brazilian steakhouse while visiting Dr. Machado
-His father was a Chief Orthopedic Surgeon and Dr. Machado followed in his footsteps
Find out more about Dr. Julian Machado here.