How Important is Price in the Healthcare Value Analysis Equation?

On this week’s episode of Power Supply Articles On-the-Go, Bob Yokl argues for looking beyond a price-only view of your Supply Chain responsibilities: “If you are just attacking the price at the pump, then you are missing huge savings opportunities in your products, configurations, deliveries, and disposal cost.

While price is important, it pales in comparison to your total cost of acquisition to disposition of everything you are buying. That’s why price is only 38% of the value equation and the balance of your product, service, and technology cost is 62%. What cost drivers will obtain the best return-on-your-investment if you put them under your value analysis microscope? I’m sure you now know the answer to this question…” Loving the #PowerSupply conversations? You can now download our free mobile app: Apple: Android: And listen at: iTunes -> Spotify -> Stitcher -> Amazon Podcasts -> Google Podcasts -> #PowerSupply #Podcast #Education #SupplyChain #Healthcare #Purchasing #Contracting #ValueAnalysis



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