Passing the Sniff Test: How to Validate Supply Costs

Episodes NOW CEC APPROVED for AHRMM members! // What if 60-80 percent of items on your surgical preference cards were not actually needed? How much time does staff waste pulling supplies for cases that aren’t used, let alone the time it takes to return all these items back to the shelf? Can preference card optimization help reduce costs, increase efficiency, and improve revenue capture – and if so what are the steps to begin this process? By reviewing and updating preference cards, healthcare organizations can ensure that they are using the most cost-effective supplies, while still meeting the needs of the surgical team and the patient. On this week’s episode join Hays, Garry, and Justin as they meet with Drew Preslar, Assistant VP of insight Advisory Solutions at HealthTrust Performance Group, to discuss how optimizing surgical preference cards can help healthcare organizations identify and reduce supply costs associated with surgical procedures. With the challenges faced in staffing, supply shortages and decreasing revenues it is increasingly important to ensure that supply chain partners with clinical teams to identify and reduce costs in surgical procedures. Preference card optimization can help decrease these costs while also improving overall efficiency and patient outcomes. Reach out to your clinical colleagues and tune in together, you don’t want to miss this episode!
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