Perfect Wash Control System: A complete and automated cleaning monitoring system for SPD/CSSD

How do you avoid human error within your critical Sterile Processing workflows? What can you do today to improve traceability and reduce time spent waiting on monitoring results at every stage of reprocessing?

Joining us for this Beyond Clean Vendor Spotlight™ are Terragene team members Mark Duro CRCST, FCS, Industry Subject Matter Expert & Education Manager and Hisashi Konno, Biomedical Engineer & Product Specialist to speak with us about the role that constant innovation plays in keeping our departments ahead of the technology curve. With patient safety in surgery completely dependent on compliant reprocessing protocols in Sterile Processing, comprehensive solutions are a must-have. Listen as they describe how Terragene is leading the industry with cutting edge technology to make this both possible and affordable for hospitals around the country, and across the globe.

Tune in for the full conversation! 

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#Terragene #VendorSpotlight #Podcast #BeyondClean



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