Rely On the Numbers: Don’t Be Dissuaded By Others

On this week’s episode of Power Supply Articles On-the-Go, Bob Yokl discusses why wrong data isn’t the end of the conversation: “There is no doubt about it, statistics, benchmarks, and analytics can be off base or even completely wrong, but from our experience they can easily be revised with new information, a few minutes of dialog, and some fortitude. For instance, one time we benchmarked a hospital’s bath kits’ utilization as being too high only to find out that this hospital didn’t have any private bathrooms. All of this hospital’s bathrooms were in their hallways, so bed baths were more frequent than other hospitals. Naturally, we had to revise our benchmark to reflect this new fact. But this didn’t mean we couldn’t use this new benchmark in our bath kit value analysis study. That’s the point of this article…” Loving the #PowerSupply conversations? You can now download our free mobile app: Apple: Android: And listen at: iTunes -> Spotify -> Stitcher -> Amazon Podcasts -> Google Podcasts -> #PowerSupply #Podcast #Education #SupplyChain #Healthcare #Purchasing #Contracting #ValueAnalysis