Respect the Triangle, Stop the Spark

This week’s episode of the First Case “Articles On-The-Go” series is written by Lindsey Joyce, MSN, RN, CNOR, CNL. In this article, Lindsey discusses the fire triangle, and the importance of fire safety training in our ORs.  

“Which is why education is the key to these preventable disasters. All of the surgical team, from the surgeon and anesthesiologist to the circulator and scrub, to the other staff within the department MUST know what is required of them should a fire occur. Equally as important, however, is that all of these same team members know what role they play in fire prevention.”


Articles On-the-Go presents perioperative insights from written articles in a creative, easy to listen, audio format. Think audio book, meets busy Operating Room professional!

#FirstCase #Podcast #OperatingRoom #Surgery #ArticlesOnTheGo #FireSafety



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