Suppliers Managing Suppliers: A Look Behind the Curtain of Manufacturing

Most manufacturers are not making every component of their products and rely on their own suppliers. The number of suppliers can be many and the bill of material can be up to 70-80% outsourced. This is why having an internal framework for managing those relationships and aligning that framework to protect market position and enhance the customer experience is crucial. Hays Waldrop, Garry Skinner and Justin Poulin welcome Abe Salloum on this episode of Power Supply to offer insights from his extensive healthcare manufacturing experience and why end-to-end transparency is a necessity to push #healthcaresupplychain towards greater success in a time of backorders!
#SupplierManagement #PowerSupply #Podcast #Education #SupplyChain #HealthcareSupplyChain #Healthcare #Purchasing #Contracting #StrategicSourcing