The Automated Road to Safety: A Conversation about TEE Probe Reprocessing

TEE probe cleaning and handling is a hot topic of conversation, especially as more and more Sterile Processing professionals continue to reach out to clinics to standardize and automate the reprocessing of these devices. Decreasing the manual effort also decreases the manual error and on this episode of the Beyond Clean Vendor Spotlight Series we speak with Kendall Ashe, VP and General Manager of CS Medical about a solution for creating a safer and more efficient reprocessing and use cycle of TEE probes. From cleaning and disinfecting to storage and transportation, the ROI on these products is clear. How you take care of your equipment has a large impact on your repair budget and we learn more about the TEEClean® Automated TEE Probe Cleaner Disinfector, CleanShield® TEE Probe Storage Cabinet, and TPorter® TEE Probe Procedure Case which offer risk mitigation associated with reprocessing TEE probes. Tune in now!

Find out more about CS Medical TEE Complete Care suite of products, download white papers about the relationship between cleaning and HLD, experience live product demos, and more by visiting

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