The Sticky Truth About Tape

This week’s episode of the First Case “Articles On-The-Go” series is written by Kelly Good, CRNA. In it she tackles the topic of tape and sheds a light on just how dirty our rolls of tape can be.”In the operating room, we all know and love tape! A most adaptable tool, tape serves a wide range of uses including labeling instruments, holding up drapes, and repairing tears in mattresses. In patient care, rolls of tape serve to close eyes for surgery, reinforce protective dressings, and secure lines, tubes, and catheters to skin. But, what if the widespread reuse of a roll of tape across multiple patients and purposes is actually NOT best practice and a potential cause for HARM to patients? Maybe we shouldn’t be reusing and recycling tape but simply reducing its use altogether.” ——- Articles On-the-Go presents perioperative insights from written articles in a creative, easy to listen, audio format. Think audio book, meets busy Operating Room professional! #OperatingRoom #InfectionControl #Surgery #CRNA #SurgicalTape



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