Trust is your currency and reputation is your bank account

  • Trust is your currency and reputation is your bank account

    Posted by Matthew Ray Scott on December 11, 2020 at 12:58 am

    Trust is your currency and your reputation is your bank account.

    This is my summary premise for doctors + branding.

    Put another way, Doctor, your modern brand is:

    1. WHO you say you are.

    2. WHO your patients say you are.

    3. WHO Google says you are.

    Here’s what we’ve found is the most inexpensive and impactful reputation management tool:

    -Google Reviews

    You might say that you already have an all-in-one survey tool that’s supposed to get you reviews.

    Do you? Generate a hundred reviews? In a month?

    Here’s the double-whammy!

    Many doctors are spending thousands of dollars on search-engine to be FOUND when they should be spending less money and time on being HEARD with social proof reviews.

    It gets better…

    I was invited to be a Google Speaker and after my talk I met with the Google Local Team Leader. I bribed him with beer and pizza and picked his brain. He told me the secret link that most people overlook is Google Reviews because it optimizes local search and can show up in the Google Local Map (called the 3 Pack) when we conduct a search query.

    Try it… Go to Google, type in Orthopedic surgeon (your city) and see if you show up in the Google 3 Pack.

    Contextually, Google Reviews makes sense during the pandemic.

    Patients trust patients. So, why shouldn’t you make it easier than ever to let patients share their positive experience.

    Most doctors have reviews attached to appointment reminders and surveys.

    Do you like the word “survey” when you receive a text or an email?

    Neither do your patients.

    Key takeaway: Start thinking of reviews as your reputation and not a survey request.

    Matthew Ray Scott replied 4 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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