Reps.. get it together

  • Reps.. get it together

    Posted by Andrew Johnson on March 27, 2021 at 6:50 pm

    REPS – Why aren’t you taking the time to learn neuromonitoring?

    My experience comes from IOM and hardware. Reps, particularly spine, are notoriously intelligent and clinically sound professionals. That being said, few take the time to understand monitoring. As systems like the NVM5 and SafeOps are forcing reps to become “competent”, the weak reps (clinically) have a spotlight on them. Nothing hurts your credibility with a surgeon more than botching a clinical conversation.

    With the steep competition and commoditization of hardware, reps need every advantage they can get. Learn to talk about the patient holistically – not just your hardware.

    Do you agree?

  • 1 Reply
  • Lauren Feltz, M.H.Sc, CAA, CNIM

    March 29, 2021 at 2:09 am

    Being on the neuromonitoring side, I see this as a difference in client base. My #1 client is the patient, so I’m going to do everything that I can to take care of them. If that means learning hardware, anesthesia, or every aspect of the surgery, then I’m down.

    For reps, their #1 client is the surgeon. If the surgeons start expecting more from the sales team, then eventually they’ll follow suit and learn more about neuromonitoring. Until then, neuromonitoring is just not on their radar, and sometimes even an impediment.

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