Orthoidea Podcast
Orthoidea Podcast with Omar Khateeb the Founder of Khateeb & Co.
On this episode of the Orthoidea podcast we are honored to have Omar Khateeb, who is the Founder of Khateeb & Co., Founder of The State of Medtech, and the host of the Mind Loom podcast. Omar is a pioneer in the Medtech content space and his media company provides several different offerings to his followers. Omar is also a digital course provider in which he trains medical sales representatives on how to sell in this new digital environment.
Thank you Omar for coming on the Orthoidea podcast!
Orthoidea Podcast with Matt Swift VP of Regulatory Affairs and Quality Affairs and Clinical Sciences with CoNextions Medical
On this episode of the Orthoidea podcast we have the honor of speaking with Matt Swift who is the VP of Regulatory Affairs and Quality Affairs at CoNextions Medical. CoNextions has developed a revolutionary tendon repair system that will change how surgeons choose to treat tendon repairs. We thank Matt for coming on and discussing this game changing technology.
Orthoidea Podcast with Travis Mark Co Founder Galen Medical Systems
On this episode of the Orthoidea podcast we have the honor of speaking with Travis Mark who is the Co Founder of Galen Medical Systems. Galen Medical Systems is an innovation leader in delivering mobile technologies to the healthcare industry.
Travis goes into detail about his journey from being a medical device executive to living out his entrepreneurial dream. Galen has several products that include medical device app development to surgeon SEO and marketing. They cover all aspects of the medical landscape from manufacturer to healthcare providers.
Thank you Travis for sharing your journey with the Orthoidea podcast. Please visit Galen Medical Systems at www.galenmedicalsystems.com.
Orthoidea Podcast with Jamie Rindler CEO Marvel Group
On this episode of the Orthoidea podcast we get to speak to Jamie Rindler who is the CEO of The Marvel Group. The Marvel Group is the only medical device distribution team that provides a warranty post op to the patient. Jamie also talks about their innovative method for mining critical data for medical device companies as well. Jamie Rindler and The Marvel Group are truly “trailblazers” in medical device.
Orthoidea Podcast with Dr. Derek Dee Chief Medical Officer and Founder at Subchondral Solutions
On this episode of the Orthoidea podcast we have the honor of speaking with Dr. Derek Dee who is the Chief Medical Officer and Founder of Subchondral Solutions. Subchondral Solutions has a revolutionary technology called S-Core which addresses fractures and reconstructs the joint. It helps reduce pain and returns the joint to its proper bio-mechanical function.
Thank you Dr. Dee for coming on and sharing!
Orthoidea Podcast with Stu Brandon President of Brandon Orthopedics and Rep Freedom
On this episode of the Orthoidea podcast we have the honor of speaking with Stu Brandon who is the President of Brandon Orthopedics, Freedom Fighter for Rep Freedom, and a Change Agent at ASCdx. Stu has extensive experience in the world of Orthopedics as a direct employee, and now a medical device broker. He talks at length about how the business has changed, and how his involvement in Masterminds has been such a valuable resource to him in his career. Thanks so much Stu for coming on!