Patient Convert Podcast
What is a Physician Liaison? #110
In today’s episode, Kelley answers the main questions she gets asked about most when it comes to her profession as a physician liaison. What is a physician liaison? What do they do? How can they benefit a practice or hospital and help scale medical practices?
Studying the Athlete with Dr. John Cory #109
Today special guest Dr. John Cory, Foot & ankle specialist and owner of the Arizona Institute of Motion, joins to discuss physicians and marketing, what you need to be successful in your medical practice in the new digital era and how to connect with your local community to drive visibility.
Why You Need A Blog #108
In today’s episode we are explaining exactly why you need a blog and give you details on everything you need to know about content marketing for your healthcare business. What value does a blog bring? Does it have to be written content? What are the best on-page SEO structures to get the most out of each blog post? Enjoy!
Getting Past the Gatekeeper #107
In today’s episode, we are going to discuss how to get past the gatekeeper as a physician liaison, business development strategies, building strong referral relationships, and increasing those referrals. Enjoy!
Mastering Social Media for Medical Practices with Guest Dr. Jonathan Kaplan #106
Today special guest Dr. Jonathan Kaplan, Plastic Surgeon from San Fransisco Bay, joins Kelley to discuss Social Media marketing and growth strategies when it comes to medical practices. From Social Media strategies, to who should handle your Social Media Marketing. Listen on to find the tips from the Social Media Healthcare Marketing Pros!
Debt, Burnout & Practice Management: Insights from a Military Surgeon #105
In today’s healthcare marketing podcast episode, we’re joined by a very special guest Dr. Brent Lacey. Kelley and Dr. Lacy talk about a wide range of topics from how physicians get out of medical school, the life of a military surgeon, is physician burnout a real concern? and much more.