People of Pathology Podcast
Episode 150: Robert Lott And Joshua Greenlee – Anatomic Pathology Patient Interest Association
Today my guests are Robert Lott and Joshua Greenlee from the Anatomic Pathology Patient Interest Association
What we discuss with Robert and Josh:
- How they each got into the histotechnology field
- How they became involved in training programs
- Why they decided to move from the clinical lab into industry
- The Anatomic Patient Interest Association (APPIA) and what it does
- How the TOPS program was developed and why it is important
- How to become a member of APPIA
Links for this episode:
Anatomic Pathology Patient Interest Association
APPIA on LinkedIn
APPIA on Twitter
National Society for Histotechnology
People of Pathology Podcast:
Episode 149: Dr Janamarie Truesdell – Critical Thinking In Death Scene Investigation And The Nutshell Studies Of Unexplained Death
Today my guest is Death Scene Investigator and Forensic Anthropologist Dr Janamarie Truesdell
What we discuss with Dr Truesdell:
- The Critical Thinking in Death Scene Investigation course at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside
- How she teaches a method for investigating a scene
- How she got into death investigation and forensic anthropology
- Utilizing the Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death in teaching
- How she developed a fascination for the Nutshells
- Her thoughts on the “CSI Effect.”
- The upcoming summer course at UW-Parkside
Links for this episode:
University of Wisconsin-Parkside Forensic Anthropology Workshop
Critical Thinking in Death Scene Investigation
The History of the Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death
18 Tiny Deaths by Bruce Goldfarb
People of Pathology Podcast:
Episode 148: Navid Alipour – AI In Healthcare, CureMatch, And CureMetrix
Today my guest is Navid Alipour, CEO of AI Med Global
What we discuss with Navid:
- How he got into the AI in Healthcare space
- Why he thinks there is such massive growth in the use of AI right now
- Why AI should be thought of as “augmented intelligence,” rather than “artificial intelligence.”
- How CureMatch uses AI in oncology to determine the best treatment
- How CureMetrix analyzes mammograms, and how it is also used to detect heart disease
- His thoughts on AI in healthcare in the future
Links for this episode:
Knowledge Representation And Reasoning AI
People of Pathology Podcast:
Episode 147: Sarah Blizzard – The Intersection of Pathology, Yoga, and Mindfulness
Today my guest is Pathologists’ Assistant Sarah Blizzard
What we discuss with Sarah:
- How she discovered the pathologists’ assistant field
- How a running injury turned her to yoga
- Some ways that pathology and yoga are similar
- Her Youtube series on yoga stretches for PAs
- Mindfulness and how we can practice it in our daily lives
Links for this episode:
Sarah Blizzard on Instagram
Sarah on YouTube
People of Pathology Podcast:
Episode 146: Bruce Goldfarb – OCME: Life in America’s Top Forensic Medical Center
Today my guest is Bruce Goldfarb, author of OCME: Life in America’s Top Forensic Medical Center
What we discuss with Bruce:
- His background as an EMT and a journalist
- How his skillset led to his position as Executive Assistant to the Chief Medical Examiner at the OCME
- Some of the history of the OCME in Baltimore
- How the opioid epidemic created massive burden for the OCME
- The effect of COVID on forensic investigations
- How staffing and funding issues can affect medical examiners offices
Links for this episode:
Bruce Goldfarb on Instagram
18 Tiny Deaths on Amazon
OCME: Life in America’s Top Forensic Medical Center on Amazon
People of Pathology Podcast:
Episode 145: Dr Cindy Wang – Living The H&E Life
Today my guest is GI Pathologist Dr Cindy Wang
What we discuss with Dr Wang:
- How she chose medicine as a career
- How she discovered pathology and which subspecialties she was interested in
- How and why she started her YouTube channel, H&E Life
- Why she chooses to talk about her own experiences as a resident and fellow on her channel
- The importance of learning grossing as a resident
- How to address myths about pathology
- What it’s like to be recognized as the voice of H&E Life
- Her interest in baking and why it is important to have interests outside of medicine
Links for this episode:
Dr Wang on Instagram
Dr Wang on Twitter
People of Pathology Podcast: