Articles On-The-Go: Don’t Let Vendors Monopolize Your Storage Space – How to Get your SPD Out of (Consignment) Jail

On this episode of Articles On-The-Go, tune in for encouragement around taking control of out-of-control consignment inventory in your Sterile Processing department: “If you feel like you’re drowning in consignment trays, I hope this post gives you a few ideas on how to start the long, hard swim to the shore. If you’re wanting to put your data collection and consignment process into overdrive, check out a few of the loaner/consignment management systems on the market — and look into leveraging them to improve your facility’s consignment management. Whatever you do, don’t let your vendors forget that consignment is a privilege, not a right — and be willing to break the chains if you need to….”

#BeyondClean #Vendors #SterileProcessing


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