Articles On-The-Go: Social Media Overdrive – How to Get the Most Out of Your SPD Linkedin Presence

On this episode of Articles On-The-Go, learn about how to use Linkedin to benefit yourself, your career, and your future as a Sterile Processing professional: “As the old cliché says, “Anything worth doing is worth doing right.” If you want to “do” Linkedin right as a CS professional or vendor, you must come to this platform with a strategic plan. Even if your ultimate goal is just building the most vibrant network of knowledgeable CS leaders like yourself, to share best practices and best products, that will not happen organically. Hopefully these three social media weapons will help you win the war against mediocre profiles and mundane marketing content so that you can take dominion over the Sterile Processing universe. What do you say? Let’s get clicking…”

#Linkedin #SocialMedia #SterileProcessing


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