Articles On-The-Go: “Well, I Didn’t See That One Coming” – 5 Secrets to Dealing With Surprise Resignations in SPD

On this episode of Articles On-The-Go, tune in for thoughts on preparing yourself and your team for surprise resignations in Sterile Processing: “When one of your team members walks out of your office after tendering their resignation, one thought probably comes to mind . . . “Ouch, that hurt.”

But the time for self-pity is short lived. Although some resignations carry with them the sting of personal defeat, others are tinged with bitter-sweet excitement for a new opportunity for growth and professional development for your former employee. Regardless of the ‘reason for the leavin,’ as the leader of this team, it’s your responsibility to keep the steam engine of Sterile Processing chugging down the tracks. For the unprepared, these surprise exits can be hard to bounce back from, so here are a handful of helpful tips to keep your team moving in the right direction when you’re one man down…”

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