Ep #167 – Climbing Mountains with Dr. Nerissa Kreher

We are all climbing mountains in some way. . .doing incredible things that challenge us physically and mentally.  


Today’s conversation is with Dr. Nerissa Kreher, a physician in the biotech world and Mom to two amazing young adults.  She has taken on 2 extraordinary challenges – raising money for the Fred Hutch Cancer Center and climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro.  In just 2 months she’ll leave with a team from around the country to ascend to 19,000+ feet.


In this episode we explore how she’s preparing her mind and body for this challenge.  We talk about what’s been most uncomfortable and what she considers success.  She also shares what she’s learned through training, and some advice for all of us climbing metaphorical mountains.


Follow the journey on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/journey2kilimanjaro/


Support the Fred Hutch Cancer Center here – ​​https://secure.fredhutch.org/site/TR/Climb/FredHutchinsonCancerResearchCenter?px=2016720&pg=personal&fr_id=2050

Find Nerissa here – https://industrymdcoach.com/



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