Episode 44 – In the C-Suite with Arnoud Snepvangers, CEO, Eaglet Eye

Covid may have caused some sleepless nights for Arnoud in 2020.  But his response with the use of Demand Generation Tactics and Learning Management Systems set Eaglet Eye up for a strong second half of the year and a strong start to 2021.  Arnoud proves it can be done very economically.  The result is that it creates a very positive high technology impression despite the size of the company.  Using Learning Management Systems is an interesting response to travel restrictions caused by Covid.  But the end result is better use of best practices by customers and happier customers. Now the Eaglet Eye Team will never go back to the traditional ways of training customers.  We also talk about what it is like to manage a small emerging growth technology company that is helping doctors help people see better.

Great news! The Medical Device Success podcast is now over 18,000 downloads.  Thanks for all the support! 

Now Go Win Your Week!

Most of you know that I am also the host of the MedTech Leaders community. You can learn more about this non-LinkedIn community at medtechleaders.net.  This is where leaders and those aspiring to be leaders get together to help each other with best practices, problems, solutions, ideas and successes.  If you are interested in the MedTech Leaders community…there is a 30-day free trial. Again, more info at medtechleaders.net.

Arnoud Snepvangers LinkedIn profile link

Eaglet Eye website link

LearnDash learning management system link

Arnoud’s favorite podcasts:

Science podcasts: 

BBC infinite monkey cage http://www.infinitemonkeycage.com/

BBC life scientific – https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b015sqc7

WNYC Radio Lab https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/radiolab

Business podcasts:

The Journal – https://www.wsj.com/podcasts/the-journalThe intelligence (Economist) – https://theintelligence.economist.com

Ted Newill’s LinkedIn Profile link

Medical Device Success website link

MedTech Leaders Community link

Link to Ted’s contact page  



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