Fighting Dirty: Double Stacking in Your Washers Could Kill Someone

Sterile Processing professionals are the last line of defense for surgical patients. This means we have to be willing and able to “stop the line” when something unsafe happens in our departments. On this episode of Fighting Dirty with Hank Balch, Hank talks about one of the most dangerous and yet common practices in many departments today: double stacking multilayer trays during the washing cycle. This not only violates express manufacturer IFUs for these instruments and will get you cited by CMS, TJC, DNV and state agencies — it is also extremely dangerous for your patients. One bug. One little infectious microbe hiding under a knee sizer can literally kill one of your patients.
Whatever productivity pressures you may be under, whatever volume may be stacking up in decontam, washing shortcuts are not worth it. If you have to chain yourself to the department door in order to get your CEO to come listen to why you won’t take shortcuts — do it.
And call us, we’ll join you in the sit in, and help explain why you can’t sacrifice safety in the name of speed.
#FightingDirty #HankBalch #BeyondClean #WeFightDirty™
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